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Results for "CIHR Special Project"

  • Fall 2016

    Razavialavi, Seyedreza

    ) promote application of simulation in site layout planning of tunnelling projects by developing a special-purpose simulation tool, (4) simultaneously optimize site layout variables and construction planning variables by developing an integrated GA-simulation framework, and (5) optimize site layout planning

    Site layout planning, which involves identifying sizes and locations of temporary facilities, can have significant impacts on the safety, cost, time, and productivity of projects. Despite considerable research undertaken to improve efficiency of planning construction site layouts, most models

    developed for this purpose have overlooked the impact of facility size on project cost and cannot thoroughly model the dual impact of site layout variables (i.e., facility size and location) and construction plan variables (e.g., production rate, resources, and material delivery). In this research, given

  • Fall 2022

    Shuvo,Badhon Das

    Fabrication operations produce made-to-order structural components (such steel elements or precast concrete) for multiple construction projects, which require crews to repeat their work at a number of workstations or locations in a special manufacturing facility. Scheduling these interdependent

    techniques have been developed to facilitate modelling and analysis. However, these existing scheduling approaches fail to address the extensive resource links among projects, thereby negatively impacting the stability and feasibility of resultant project schedules and increasing management difficulties in

    different stages of the project. Hence, the workface operation realities often deviate away from the actual planning bringing down the overall productivity. Unless the changes and variations (e.g., material logistics) during operations can be sufficiently and cost-effectively reflected in the planning, the

  • Spring 2019

    Madueke, Ijeoma C.

    This project focuses on the history and process of translating and publishing selected Anglophone Nigerian novels into French, with a special focus on elements of hybridity. The corpus consists of novels written by canonical and non-canonical, male and female Nigerian authors in the years after the

    works are translated based on the author’s international literary reputation. Even though some publishers have introduced more Nigerian literary works in the target culture through special collections devoted to African Anglophone literature, this research shows that Nigerian literature as part of the

  • Fall 2015

    Aggarwal, Karan

    special instrumentation to assess the impact of change on their application’s energy consumption profile. Unfortunately, this instrumentation is costly and generally not available. In order to address this issue, we use system calls to predict the impact of code changes on the energy consumption profile

    energy-consumption profile of an application has changed. The GreenAdvisor tool was evaluated using a user study whereby numerous software teams, whose members used GreenAdvisor while developing Android applications to examine the energy-consumption impact of selected commits from the teams’ projects

  • Spring 2020

    Guo, Siyuan

    This thesis covers the general scope of stimuli-responsive polymers and the concept of controlled drug delivery, with special focus on controlled/triggered release applications of temperature-responsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAm)-based hydrogels, microgels, their assemblies, and

    related work done before my PhD program, and preliminary experimental results on related research projects.

  • 2015-06-17

    Coe, Helen - Project Coordinator, Grant Assist Program (Health Sciences)

    This resource, available for download, lists University of Alberta CIHR Miscellaneous Panel Review Committee members (2006-2018) including members of the: Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP), Knowledge to Action, Partnership for Health System Improvement (PHSI), Planning and Dissemination

    , and Proof of Principle committees. This complete resource will include names of those at the University of Alberta who have participated on the CIHR peer review committees, competition date, email address and University of Alberta Faculty and Department. While this information is available publicly at

    participated on the various CIHR peer review committees, and consequently initiate contact to request advice about their upcoming application. Please note that while the peer review committee members listed in this resource may be willing to provide some pieces of advice, inclusion of their names in the

  • 2019-09-05


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for September 5, 2019

  • Spring 2024

    Huber, Maegan Lee

    This project, conducted in partnership with Ermineskin Cree Nation through the Ermineskin Industrial Relations Department (EIRD), was undertaken to address biases present in Alberta Culture Resource Management (CRM) archaeology that skew the data and perpetuate the conception that boreal

    large parabolic sand dune near the contemporary Tidewater Gas Plant in the foothills of west-central Alberta. The testing was designed to ascertain whether current CRM methodologies adequately identify cultural material and accurately reflect the special extent of known sites. Identification of cultural

  • Spring 2016

    Johnston, Andrea G

    Guy Debord defines psychogeography as “the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, whether consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals” (23). My project examines the psychogeography of Newfoundland’s ghost stories—what I am

    own knowledge of Ferryland and the distinct identity that the town, and indeed, that the entire province demonstrates in its literature, its folktales, and its tales of the supernatural. This project builds on my undergraduate honors thesis by understanding how the literature of Newfoundland “[reminds

    ] Newfoundlanders, Labradorians, and Canadians, in general, that the province is a special place with a stubborn local nationalism that has deep historical roots. Canada, it might be argued, began here” (Hiller 143). The sharing of stories, especially stories exploring similar or identical ghostly experiences (for

  • 2013-03-14


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for March 2013 University Delegate teleconference. Discussion included the Institutional visits and Town Hall meetings occurring across Canada. CIHR discussion with administrative leadership have provided information as to how to approach

    30 while the Community Based Primary Health Care Network is still under discussion. A list of priorities for future SPOR networks is being drafted from the recent call for Expression of Interest. For the March 2013 OOGP, CIHR received approximately 2,150 applications. The LOI deadline for the

    Collaborative Health Research Projects program is May 15, 2012. An update to the CCV User group was also provided.

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