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  • 2016-01-01

    Molinaro, Darrin

    Current estimates suggest that one in every three species today is either threatened by, or considered at risk of, extinction. Despite such alarming statistics, and mounting evidence of a major biodiversity crisis currently taking place, our understanding of the factors that prevent species'...

  • 2021-01-01

    Garg, Aneri

    Coral reefs are dying at an unprecedented rate; so too are the fish reliant on corals for habitat space. Given the erasure of this critical habitat, scientists, conservation organizations, and concerned community members are working hard to restore coral reefs by adding young corals onto reefs....

  • 2017-01-01

    Poitras, Trevor

    The peripheral nervous system is capable of regeneration, however often times, the regeneration is limited and incomplete. Injury sustained to the peripheral nervous system is acquired through physical insult to the nerves, or through pathophysiological manifestations called neuropathies. My work...

  • 2017-01-01

    Sims, Ashley

    Historians rely overwhelmingly on written sources as their principal evidence. They then take that evidence and add more text, using layers of interpretation, analysis, and argument in order to examine and explain past events. My doctoral dissertation explores consumer behaviour in 17th-century...

  • 2016-01-01

    Herrera, Hansy

    The image provides a generalized idealization of narco-(bio)-literature and the focuses of my doctoral research. Narco-media is an important phenomenon that is part of a nation's national and international “identity”. This particular image explores the objectification of an exotic/plastic woman's...

  • 2018-01-01

    Funston, Gregory

    This image is a thin-section of a fossilized dinosaur shin bone. The bone belongs to a feathered theropod dinosaur called a caenagnathid, which would have looked like a colourful ostrich or emu with a long tail and a crest on its head. Thin-sections are one of the best ways of understanding the...

  • 2021-01-01

    Monzon, Sofia

    What are the connections between censorship and translation? Studying the intersection of censorship and translation helps us define the power dynamics lurking in the circulation of literature. My research focus on literary exchanges that took place between North America, Spain, and Argentina...

  • 2018-01-01

    Dagg, Adrienne

    In my research I am looking at the female experience depicted in oil painting. As a female painter the majority of my formative years have been guided by the images and teachings of male painters. The prevailing male narrative in painting has been so pervasive that alternate perspectives have had...

  • 2019-01-01

    Marriott, Brian

    Much of science is hidden. Either conducted behind closed doors, or obfuscated by papers unreadable to even members of the same discipline, stories of science are seldom heard. The left portion of the image represents this – an image of a fixed mouse brain, which had been injected with 2 viruses...

  • 2019-01-01

    Won, Savanna

    This image represents a blend of food and the often unseen scientific processes that go into food production. The semi-translucent photos depict laboratory materials that are commonly used in my research, including bacteria cultures growing on agar plates and micropipettes. They are overlaid over...

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