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  • 2016-01-01

    Stockdale, Chris

    The Mountain Legacy Project, the largest repeat photography collection in the world, has more than 6,000 images repeated to date. Previously it was not possible to precisely measure how much and where this change had occurred using oblique angle photographs such as these.  I have developed a...

  • 2017-01-01

    Burger, Camille

    This piece is dedicated to my friend Nadia Vera, a Mexican dancer, activist and anthropologist who was murdered in the summer of 2015 in Mexico City. She strongly believed in the potential for arts as a medium for social transformation and acted accordingly. My PhD (research and creation) places...

  • 2016-01-01

    Street, Christianne

    Oil and gas resources are solar energy reserves from prehistoric times, which we use everyday to power our lives. In many cases, these resources are non-renewable, but what if it were possible to recover and reuse some? In the Innovative Process Lab of the Natural Resources Engineering Facility...

  • 2021-01-01

    Marriott, Brian

    Slice to D4. One after the other, the wells of the plate in front of me are methodically filled with brain slices, precisely cut by a vibrating blade. Each one thinner than a human hair, I delicately transfer each slice as they are cut to a collecting dish with a paintbrush. This self portrait...

  • 2019-01-01

    Cooper, Joseph

    After over a thousand years of life this Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva D. K. Bailey) continues to look to the next generation with a new crop of its signature bristly cones. This photograph captures a nascent bristlecone and the fresh burst of needles that will help with ancient...

  • 2018-01-01

    Keshavarzi, Reza

    Shale gas is one of the targets to produce energy but this type of reservoir is very tight and economic production from that without stimulation techniques (mainly fracturing) is almost impossible. Meantime, one of the behaviors observed in this type of reservoirs is suction of water (which is...

  • 2024-06-01

    van der Merwe, Julia

    Aquatic insects use polarized light to find water, where they live, mate and breed. In nature, the strongest producer of polarized light is water. Today's anthropogenic world creates much confusion for these insects, as objects like vehicles, glass buildings, plastics, solar panels, and even...

  • 2020-01-01

    Chesworth, Janine

    Driving away from the early-learning site where I work as a Speech- Language Pathologist (SLP), a gleaming light catches my eye. Behind the preschool, a single building glows against the darkening sky; the new school in mid-construction. It’s as though the setting sun lingers...

  • 2018-01-01

    Laxamana, Kevin

    Today, almost everyone has heard of Bali. To some, it means a paradise which brings mental images of warm weather, palm trees, rolling waves, romantic getaways, or a scene of a wide-eyed Julia Roberts from the movie adaptation of Eat Pray Love. In general, the popular knowledge of Bali ends...

  • 2020-01-01

    Murray, Kathleen

    As social animals, we like to connect. This approach helps us identify, organize and navigate the diversity of the natural world. Historically, Western science has been more heavily influenced to rename, reorganize, and redefine the wilderness. Today, the government and most of our Canadian...

31 - 40 of 191