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  • 2021-01-01

    Rossano-Tapia, Maria

    Among clinical imaging techniques it is common to monitor cellular biochemical processes using “molecular lanterns” in the form of light-emitting proteins or RNA nucleobases. Naturally occurring RNA nucleobases do not emit light (fluoresce) and thus, cannot be directly used for this purpose....

  • 2024-06-01

    Belosokhov, Arseniy

    At a glance, this image is a snapshot of scientific discovery—a researcher holding a lichen. Look closer, and it transforms into a tapestry of petri dishes, each containing unique life forms, living together in a delicate balance, all derived from a single lichen. This piece is my ode to the...

  • 2018-01-01

    Meadus, William

    Our lungs are incredible organs, but their complex sponge like structure can be somewhat fragile. Particularly, an increase in pressure or change of permeability to our capillaries quickly leads to excess fluid leakage. This is known as pulmonary edema, or elevated lung water, and is a common...

  • 2020-01-01

    Grynenko, Viktoriia

    My research as a violinist at the University of Alberta explores the idea of ‘metaphoric intersectionality’ (Duerden, 2007) between violin and dance gestures. This is the idea that physical and music gestures in violin performance can lead to insights into the gestures of dance, and vice...

  • 2024-06-01

    Hiltz, Becs

    This photo represents the vulnerability of the bovine calf at birth. This calf was born moments ago, and its dam stands protectively in the background, even though she has yet to provide immune protection to her calf. Humans are born with immune protection from their mom in the form of maternal...

  • 2017-01-01

    Gibson, Carolyn

    Each summer as air temperatures rise amongst the midnight sun, permafrost begins to thaw top down. This thawing is short lived though as fall’s cool breath begins to show itself in late August and these soils refreeze as the long winter sets in. Understanding what controls the depth of this top...

  • 2018-01-01

    Jean, Francesca

    This image is a fertilized zebrafish embryo that has undergone a single cell-division - a critical first step to become a fully developed fish. Zebrafish embryos must be self-sufficient since the mother lays these embryos before they even become fertilized. After fertilization, the embryo relies...

  • 2017-01-01

    Poitras, Trevor

    The peripheral nervous system is capable of regeneration, however often times, the regeneration is limited and incomplete. Injury sustained to the peripheral nervous system is acquired through physical insult to the nerves, or through pathophysiological manifestations called neuropathies. My work...

  • 2016-01-01

    Green, Jonathan

    Green's research is focused on campsites and shelters, transitional spaces, and extreme landscapes. His interests lie in the idea of camping and survival in wilderness spaces. Temporal and semi permanent architecture of the campsite and shack act as transitional sites - as spaces between the...

  • 2016-01-01

    Shonfield, Julia

    My PhD research involves determining the effects of industrial noise on several owl species in the boreal forest of northeastern Alberta. Owls use vocal communication to attract mates and defend territories, and they use acoustic cues when hunting for prey at night. To determine whether owls...

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