Skip to Search Results- 312School of Library and Information Studies
- 134School of Library and Information Studies/Journal Articles (Library & Information Studies)
- 54School of Library and Information Studies/LISAA Newsletters
- 47School of Library and Information Studies/Graduate Research (Library & Information Studies)
- 44School of Library and Information Studies/Digital Library North
- 30School of Library and Information Studies/LIS 598 Information Policy, Winter 2017
- 80McNally, Michael B
- 51Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (LISAA)
- 28Stobbs, Robyn
- 19Rathi, Dinesh
- 17Mackey, Margaret
- 16Campbell, Sandy
- 73Information Policy
- 72LIS 598 - Information Policy - Winter 2017
- 53Alumni
- 50School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS)
- 14Canada, Northwest Territories, Inuvik
- 8Canada
The following provides a review of the text 'Bookbinders at Work' written by Mirjam Foot in which the social, historical, and cultural significance of bookbinders and their practice is explored. 'Bookbinders at Work' is a unique examination of the practices of bookbinders between the sixteenth...
Making Videos for Education and Instruction
Guy, Julia, McNally, Michael B
This presentation will provide an introduction to the process of making videos. Examining the three stages of video creation (pre-production, production/recording, and post-production) the aim will be to provide an understanding of what is required to make videos with a focus on...
LIS 598 Information Policy - Winter 2017 - Lecture 6 (video)
This is the sixth lecture from the Winter 2017 offering of LIS 598 Information Policy. This lecture covers Surveillance. The lecture is available as a PowerPoint with audio or video (.wmv) file. All of the underlying files including the audio is available in the .zip file. Note that there is no...
Strengthening Spectrum License Deployment Requirements: An Analysis of the Path of Least Resistance for the AWS-3 Auction
Strengthening Spectrum License Deployment Requirements: An Analysis of the Path of Least Resistance for the AWS-3 Auction
Rathi, Dinesh, McNally, Michael B., Evaniew, Jennifer, Stobbs, Robyn
This paper examines the impact of increased spectrum license deployment requirements used in the Canadian AWS-3 spectrum auction. The paper examines how the increase in deployment requirements will result in a greater number of population centres being served.
These three items were submitted to fulfill the requirements for an open assignment in the course HuCo 617: Digital Feminisms. They represent my learning in response to three challenges I set for myself: Challenge 1: To expand and use digital technology skills, particularly as this is not my...
Campbell, Sandy, Ruben, Abraham Anghik
"Inuvialuit" and the companion piece "Song of the Inuvialuit" (in the background of the image) were part of Abraham Anghik Ruben's exhibit, Aurora Borealis and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, in Yellowknife, NWT during the summer of 2015. "Inuvialuit" is made of Narwhal tusk...
LIS 598 Information Policy - Winter 2017 - Lecture 1 - Slide 16 audio
These are the underlying files (PowerPoint and audio) for Lecture 1 of LIS 598 Information Policy, Winter 2017. These files are provided for alternative access, and to allow adoption and resuse by others.