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IHI 2017 Conference - Afternoon Workshops poster
University of Alberta. Integrative Health Institute
This poster contains photographs and biographical notes for the speakers who presented workshops at the 2017 IHI Conference in Edmonton, AB.
University of Alberta. Integrative Health Institute
This is the agenda from the one-day conference of the University of Alberta's Integrative Health Institute. The conference was held from 7:30 a.m. to 5:p.m. on October 27, 2017 in Bernard Snell Hall, with break-out events in nearby venues. Breakout sessions focused on Indigenous health,...
IHI 2017 Conference - Speed Talk Presenters poster
University of Alberta. Integrative Health Institute
This poster includes photographs and biographical notes for the four presenters who gave speed talks at the IHI 2017 Conference in Edmonton, on October 27, 2017.