Skip to Search Results- 18Brigandt, Ingo
- 8Pelletier, Francis J.
- 6Welchman, Jennifer
- 6Wilson, Robert A.
- 4Morin, Marie-Eve
- 4Schmitter, Amy M.
[Review of the book Representation and Inference for Natural Language: A First Course in Computational Semantics, by Plackburn, & Jos]
Introduction: Computational semantics is the study of how to represent meaning in a way that computers can use. For the authors of this textbook, this study includes the representation of the meaning of natural language in logic formalisms, the recognition of certain relations that hold within...
Introduction: Traditionally, studies in the philosophy of biology have been strongly centered on evolutionary biology and systematics. To be sure, during the last four decades the field of molecular biology has been subject to substantial philosophical discussion as well. Still, discussions of...
[Review of the book Embryology, Epigenesis, and Evolution: Taking Development Seriously, by Jobert]
Introduction: In the last few decades, the fields of genetics and molecular biology have been of substantial importance for the philosophy of biology. The same does not quite hold for developmental biology, despite some philosophical discussions of development. Jason Robert’s recent book...
Introduction: This is a book that challenges the current orthodoxy, both in the philosophy of mind and in the cognitive sciences, that thinking (construed broadly to include perceiving, imagining, remembering, etc.) is a mental process in the head. Such a view has been largely taken for granted...
Introduction: Gone are the days when walking off a cliff, living in a bathtub, or inventing a new science would have seemed natural outgrowths of philosophical epistemology. Whether this reflects growing modesty or a lamentable failure of commitment, few contemporary philosophers would undertake...
Introduction: Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change is a refreshingly direct book that challenges a range oforthodox views in the philosophy of science (especially biology), the philosophy of language, and metaphysics. Amongst these are the views that species are individuals rather than natural...
Introduction: The title of Hunter Brown's book, while not wholly inaccurate, barely hints at the book's real object: defense of William James' famous paper, \"The Will to Believe.\" For clarity's sake, a better title might have been \"The Will to Believe\" as an Introduction to James on Radical...