Skip to Search Results- 19McInnes, Mitchell
- 17Wood, Roderick J.
- 14O'Byrne, Shannon
- 9Billingsley, Barbara
- 9Harrington, Joanna
- 8Acorn, Annalise
O'Byrne, Shannon, Cohen, Ronnie
This article explores the Supreme Court of Canada’s 2014 decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew. This includes an assessment of the new duty of honesty in contractual performance and the newly identified organizing principle of good faith. The authors also discuss contracting out of the duty of honesty —...
Science powers commerce: Mapping the language, justifications, and perceptions of the drive to commercialize in the context of Canadian research
Ogbogu, Ubaka, Caulfield, Timothy
Due to the high value that it placed upon the ownership of land, the common law traditionally was wary of intervening if the plaintiff non-contractually improved the defendant’s land. For the most part, liability was imposed only if the landowner acted unconscionably according to the doctrine of...
Ogbogu, Ubaka, Caulfield, Timothy
Background The increasing push to commercialize university research has emerged as a significant science policy challenge. While the socio-economic benefits of increased and rapid research commercialization are often emphasized in policy statements and discussions, there is less mention or...
Introduction: The doctrine of judicial deference has been a touchstone in Canadian administrative law for thirty-five years. Put simply, the doctrine recognizes that administrative officials have legitimate authority to interpret the law, which means that judicial review is warranted only if an...
Lois autochtones, loi sur la propriété intellectuelle et politiques muséales: Des diverses méthodes de protection du patrimoine immatériel autochtone / Indigenous law, intellectual property and museum policy: Methods for protecting Aboriginal intangible heritage
Skorodenski, Laura K., Lai, Jessica C., Bell, Catherine
Issues around defining respectful relationships, and within those relationships, reconciling laws and values concerning use and control of intangible Indigenous heritage, arise in numerous museum contexts including : repatriation of material culture and associated information ; co-management of...
Ollenberger, Adam, Ogbogu, Ubaka, Borry, Pascal, Bergmann, Manuela, Caulfield, Timothy, Nobile, Helene, Toews, Maeghan
Background. Biobanks are an important research resource that provides researchers with biological samples, tools and data, but have also been associated with a range of ethical, legal and policy issues and concerns. Although there have been studies examining the views of different stakeholders,...
This article returns to a colonial discourse on crime, criminals, and punishment that the court of justice enunciated and followed during an 8-year British occupation of the Cape of Good Hope in the latter part of 1795. Tapping unusually frank juridical discussions on criminality and punishment...
Lessons from Shakespeare’s tiger mothers: Parental and political authority in Coriolanus and Merchant of Venice
Acorn, Annalise, Clackson, Katherine
Introduction: Yale Law Professor Amy Chua's memoire Battle Hmn of the TigerMotherl created a media sensation. 2 The book struck a powerful chord as hundreds clamoured to register either horror or approval of Chua's confessing to and advocating for a model of mothering that mixes in equal measure...
The right to control and access genetic research information: Does McInerney offer a way out of the consent/withdrawal conundrum?
Ogbogu, Ubaka, Burningham, Sarah, Caulfield, Timothy
The article examines the privacy and access to information issues have emerged in relation to the collection and use of human tissue for genetic and cell-based research in Canada. Topics discussed include individuals' rights of access to and control over the research use and disclosure of genetic...
Ogbogu, Ubaka, Burningham, Sarah
There is significant public interest in the outcomes of genetic research. However, there is also a great deal of concern that genetic research and associated realms will foster the use and disclosure of personal health and genetic information in ways that undermine protected privacy interests....