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- 504Department of Sociology
- 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2Department of Political Science
- 1Department of Art and Design
- 1Department of Medical Sciences
- 1Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Item type
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 2Agrios, Jean Marie.
- 2Aujla, Wendy
- 2Avakame, Edem Frank.
- 2Bereska, Tami M.
- 2Krull, Catherine D.
- 2Lagrange, Teresa C.
An Ecological Habitus on the oilfield? Environmental concerns of oilsands workers and their lifestyle social practices.
DownloadFall 2018
In this case study research I interviewed direct employees of oilsands mines in Northern Alberta about their environmental concerns, how their concerns translate into their day-to-day lives, how they think about climate change, green energy technologies, and a world beyond oil use. I use the...
Spring 2023
Even though Indigenous women are the fastest growing prison population in Canada and around the world, scholarship regarding the storytelling of incarcerated Indigenous women is extremely limited. My dissertation centers the stories of Indigenous women within Tightwire, a prisoner produced...
1 - 10 of 504