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  • 2023-01-02

    Welchman, Jennifer

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2023: The objective of this project is to develop an enriched model for aesthetic assessment of natural sites that will fill serious gaps in the assessments produced by models currently used in Canada and North America by conservation, landscape, and development planners, which...

  • 2018-02-01

    Galovan, Adam

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2018: While behaviours related to lower relationship satisfaction and increased risk of divorce are understood, factors that contribute to flourishing relationships are less so. Relationship paradigms have focused on personality traits, behaviours and skills not demonstrated by...

  • 2022-01-02

    Meshel, Tamar

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2022: This project uses quantitative analysis to evaluate the suitability of arbitration for the resolution of individual as well as class wide employment and consumer disputes in Canada and the United States. The study will examine individual consumer arbitration awards and...

  • 2019-02-01

    Shukayev, Malik

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2019: This project aims to examine if publicly funded bailouts of financial institutions during banking crises are welfare beneficial, once their longer term impact on risk taking and on the crisis probability is taken in account.The specific objectives of the research are: a)...

  • 2018-02-01

    Breitkreuz, Rhonda

    SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: This mixed-method, qualitative critical policy analysis project builds on preliminary analysis of data from the Canadian Labour Force Survey, to explore in greater depth the phenomenon of under-employment of women in Canada, beginning with mothers of preschool children....

  • 2022-02-02

    Moore, Sarah G

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2022: This project seeks to test how language use influences customer perceptions of AI agents’ humanness and investigate when consumers prefer interacting with AI agents that are more or less human-like.This project will develop a framework to explain how, when, and why...

  • 2018-01-23

    Coraiola, Diego

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2018: This exploratory research focuses on the connection between board membership and art philanthropy in the performing arts (i.e. theatre, symphony, ballet, opera). Art patronage, from the Renaissance, through nation-state promotions of culture is recognized as having...

  • 2021-02-01

    Dahlke, Sherry

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2021. The study examines how stigma of pre-legal cannabis influences older people’s experiences with medical cannabis. Using surveys and interviews, we will examine how stigma perceptions influence older persons' information seeking and access to cannabis for health reasons. ...

  • 2020-02-01

    Corkum, Philip

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2020: What we call a cause can vary from one context to another. Causal statements, where one identifies the cause of an event, are sensitive to contextually variant factors such as the circumstances of the statement, and the interests of the interlocutors participating in the...

  • 2020-01-02

    Messinger, Paul Richard

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2020: The proposed research will study three closely­related topics about cannabis legalization: (1) Supply­Chain Study. In the cannabis supply­chain, who will gain the greater proportion of profits or tax revenues: producers, retailers, or government? How do these amounts...

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