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  • 09/25/2020

    Hurley, Nat

    SSRHC IG awarded 2021: "Kidless Lit" seeks to expand and historicize the existing conversations about childlessness in both popular and scholarly discourses. In order to address both popular and scholarly audiences about this topic of great public interest, the project foregrounds writing as both...

  • 2012-10-15

    Moure, Kenneth

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2013: Black markets in wartime expose serious economic and social tensions; the choices faced in wartime are instructive for understanding contemporary issues in economic regulation. In France, wartime shortages and state controls accentuated stresses that reveal critical...

  • 2015-10-14

    van Deusen, Natalie

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: Project aims to catalogue, edit and analyze Early Modern Icelandic religious poetry whose subjects are virgin martyr saints. The project seeks to demonstrate the critical role of the poems within Early Modern Icelandic religious and social thought as prescriptive models for...

  • 2018-12-16

    Dorow, Sara

    SSHRC Awarded PEG 2019: The community organization Critical Incident Stress Management for Communities (Fort McMurray, Alberta) and a research team at the University of Alberta are leveraging their newfound partnership and combined expertise to launch the first Canadian study to systematically...

  • 2019-09-25

    Methot, Melanie

    SSHRC IG awarded 2020: I study monogamous marriage, looking at the extraordinary (bigamy prosecutions) to get at the ordinary (marriage roles and expectations). I undertake a systematic analysis of bigamy cases in Australia by drawing on historical newspapers from the Trove, the National Library...

  • 2020-02-01

    Oliver, Marilene Julie

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2020: Building on research on the use of the medically scanned body to create artistic prints, sculptures and installations, I will work with radiologists and computer scientists to create two art installations, My Data Body, which focuses on representing by own medical and...

  • 2012-10-10

    Szeman, Imre

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2013: The character of contemporary life depends fundamentally on oil -- an accessible, easy to store, easy to transport, and rich source of energy that has created the material conditions for manufacturing economies, global trade, large-scale human population growth,...

  • 2023-02-01

    Rak, Julie

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2023: "Paper Lives, Post-­Digital Connections" will explore the unlikely, and vibrant, connection of paper journals to digitally­ connected international communities devoted to journaling, particularly by members of Gen-­Z, on the social media platforms they use the most:...

  • 2014-10-09

    Holt, Nick

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2015: An estimated 51% of Canadian children aged 5-14 years regularly participate in youth sport [1], making it a fundamental feature in the lives of almost two million children and their families. Parents invest substantial amounts of time and money to support their children's...

  • 2015-10-15

    Schmitter, Amy

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: My research is directed at clarifying the familiar, but poorly understood notions of passion, power and representation. These concepts play distinct roles in diverse branches of philosophy, but they intersect naturally in several places, and examined together, they may...

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