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My Data Body / Your Data Body

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • SSHRC IDG awarded 2020: Building on research on the use of the medically scanned body to create artistic prints, sculptures and installations, I will work with radiologists and computer scientists to create two art installations, My Data Body, which focuses on representing by own medical and personal data, and Your Data Body, which will focus on representing the data of others. My Data Body will provide viewers with the experience of exploring a full body 3D and 4D magnetic resonance scan dataset in virtual reality (VR).Your Data Body will be made with ‘donated’ datasets of body parts made visible and manipulable in augmented reality (AR), where the virtual overlays on reality. Embedded in the body parts will be a personal story (also 'donated'), that will be audible as long as the scanned body part is being interacted with. Both works will be part of installations that include prints and sculptures generated from the data. My Data Body/Your Data Body will raise many ethical and theoretical questions as well as significant technicaland aesthetic challenges such as; what are the ethics of working artistically my own data and the data of others? What new aesthetic considerations are raised when viewers are able to enter into, pick up and manipulate 3D and 4D scanned bodies? What do these new visions of the digitized body and identity reveal about the human in the digital age? How do they challenge or support existing theoretical frameworks surrounding posthumanism, post­structuralism and technofeminism?

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
  • DOI
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    ©️Oliver, Marilene Julie. All rights reserved other than by permission. This document embargoed to those without UAlberta CCID until 2024.