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SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: This project focuses on the representations of health and the biomedical body in post-1960s Anglo-Canada and Franco-Québec literatures. It is interested in the representation of urban middle-classes and the ways in which the notion of responsibility towards health informs...
SSHRC Awarded CG 2018: This interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and bilingual (English-French) conference sets out to compare Indigenous, Anglophone Canadian, and Québécois feminist production today-- including literature, theory, music, digital art, and film. The conference focuses on notions...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2017: If people learn to speak the same language, can broken communication be avoided? Both research and anecdotal evidence tell us “no”. In contrast to language differences, differences in speaking styles are far more difficult to detect. Although knowledge of different...