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SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: Music scholars have recognized the need for more inclusive histories, however there is no broadly inclusive resource for interdisciplinary study of the multicultural and multifaceted phenomenon of music in Canada. This project will develop the theoretical and methodological...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: This project aims to change the way we think about sleep as well as the way we practice it. It communicates to diverse audiences that sleep is not a mysterious non-experience (essential but a wasteful interruption of life) but rather a central part of existence that tells...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2018: This project is part of an international collaboration that aims to enhance musicians’ health literacy worldwide. We propose, therefore, to offer musician specific education to post-secondary music students at 3 different institutions in Canada. In 2018/19, students at 2...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: This project focuses on the representations of health and the biomedical body in post-1960s Anglo-Canada and Franco-Québec literatures. It is interested in the representation of urban middle-classes and the ways in which the notion of responsibility towards health informs...
SSHRC IG Awarded 2018: Three transnational corporations (Universal, Sony, and Warner) control roughly 80% of the global recording and publishing industries and 86% of the North American market. This three-pronged research project responds to the problem of music industry consolidation by...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2017: The expansion of video games as a medium has precipitated a healthy indie game movement, and created opportunities for media artists to explore interactive art creation. However, audio and music in games is still primarily constrained to sound effects, dialog and emotive...
The Textual and Cultural History of Medicine in South Asia based on Newly-Discovered Manuscript Evidence
SSHRC Awarded IG 2020: The Compendium of Sushruta (Sushrutasamhita) is an ancient Indian medical text that was was used to diagnose and treat patients in South Asia two thousand years ago and continues to influence the study of medicine even today. The Compendium of Sushruta presents baffling...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2017: If people learn to speak the same language, can broken communication be avoided? Both research and anecdotal evidence tell us “no”. In contrast to language differences, differences in speaking styles are far more difficult to detect. Although knowledge of different...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: Through cooperative inquiry and critical co-design, the project will develop an interactive digital story app (i.e., digital fiction) that can be evaluated as a tool for media-enhanced bibliotherapy to help young women address issues associated with body image concerns. 40...