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A Comparative Investigation of Pedagogical possibilities of Digital Tools for Family and School Early Literacy Education
SSHRC Awarded Insight Grant 2013: The proposed research aims to investigate shifts in digital literacy practices in school and home in sites in Canada and Australia and to examine factors that might impede and/or facilitate digital literacy development.
Parkins, John, Goddard, Ellen, Plastow, Graham, Carlyle, Cameron
NFRF-Exploration grant awarded 2020: Sustainability of the beef industry and sustainability of temperate grasslands are equally challenging currently. Beef cattle don’t typically graze on tidy fields of managed pasture, but instead graze complex landscapes with highly diverse vegetation and plant...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2015: The proposed work will examine three theoretically important, yet previously unexplored, linkages between experience with an emerging technology and lock-in to that technology but not to others. (1) The impact that repeated practice has on consumers' emotional attachment...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2011: This pilot project will lay the groundwork for the creation of a digital, interactive map of the city of Edmonton. Four specific objectives: 1] creation of a network of researchers, students, practitioners and community-involved citizens interested in urban theory and...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: Despite scientific consensus about the environmental costs of petrocarbon use and increasing political desire for energy transition, our societies remain fully dependent on fossil fuels. This research explores the ability---or inability---of contemporary culture to address...
Insight Grant funded in 2017. the world of the present is a 'Petroculture', where cultural, economic, ideological, legal and political relationships --locally and globally-- have been shaped by oil and its networks of power. Energy transition demands social transformation. This research is...
SSHRC Awarded PG-Letter of Intent (stage 1) 2014 and invited to stage 2: Our central objective directly confronts the following question: Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an...
SSHRC Invited PG; not funded (2014): Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an agri-food system that enhances urban food security and ecological sustainability look like, and what...
SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: This research-creation project asks “What is a contemporary landscape?” Building on cultural geographers' insights that the natural environment provides a setting for cultural processes and belief systems, we will explore the history of ideas and images in traditional...
SSHRC Awarded Knowledge Synthesis grant 2015: The dominant form of energy of any given era shapes the characteristics and capacities of societies in an essential way; energy is a key aspect of the fabric of our social experience, and not just a neutral input that helps run the engines of our...