Skip to Search Results- 525Mechanical Engineering, Department of
- 280Mechanical Engineering, Department of/Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, Volume 5
- 242Mechanical Engineering, Department of/Journal Articles (Mechanical Engineering)
- 3Mechanical Engineering, Department of/Book Chapters (Mechanical Engineering)
- 1Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
- 1Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 117abstract
- 80Abstract
- 12Life Cycle Assessment
- 8Brittle failure
- 8Digital image correlation
- 8Dynamic fragmentation
High-velocity impact failure modeling of Armox 500T steel: Model validation and application to structural design
Mao, Kyle, Toussaint, Geneviève, Komrakova, Alexandra, Hogan, James D.
As an advanced fracture model, the Generalized Incremental Stress State dependent damage MOdel (GISSMO) provides non-linear damage accumulation formulation to better predict ductile fracture initiation associated with a wider range of material stress states. In this study, we simulate the...
Design of micro- and macro-scale polymeric metamaterial solutions for passive and active thermal camouflaging applications
Pisavadia, Harshil, Asad, Asad, Sameoto, Dan, Dolez, Patricia, Hogan, James D.
This work utilizes predictive modeling techniques to guide and inform metamaterial design for heat management solutions and thermal radiation control. Specifically, micro- and macro-scale polyethylene-based solutions are proposed for passive and active thermal camouflage. A micro-scale post...
Tailpipe NOx Emission Dataset
Saeid Shahpouri,, Luo Jiang, Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti
The dataset contains information on tailpipe NOx emissions for a heavy-duty diesel truck during real-driving conditions. The dataset includes the following columns: ambient air temperature (in degrees Celsius), vehicle speed (in km/h), engine speed (in rpm), engine torque (in N.m), fuel...
Impact Deposition Behavior of Al/B4C Cold-Sprayed Composite Coatings: Understanding the Role of Porosity on Particle Retention
Farid, Hannaneh Manafi, McDonald, André, Hogan, James David
This study explores the role of porosity in the impact deposition of a ceramic-reinforced metal-matrix (i.e., Al/B4 C) composite coating fabricated via cold spraying. The Johnson–Holmquist–Beissel constitutive law and the modified Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model were used to describe the high...
A finite element-convolutional neural network model (FE-CNN) for stress field analysis around arbitrary inclusions
Rezasefat, Mohammad, Hogan, James D.
This study presents a data-driven finite element-machine learning surrogate model for predicting the end-to-end full-field stress distribution and stress concentration around an arbitrary-shaped inclusion. This is important because the model’s capacity to handle large datasets, consider...
Molecular Dynamics Simulations Correlating Mechanical Property Changes of Alumina with Atomic Voids under Triaxial Tension Loading
Chang, Junhao, Chen, Zengtao, Hogan, James D.
The functionalization of nanoporous ceramics for applications in healthcare and defence necessitates the study of the effects of geometric structures on their fundamental mechanical properties. However, there is a lack of research on their stiffness and fracture strength along diverse directions...
Hybrid Finite-Discrete Element Modeling of the Mode I Tensile Response of an Alumina Ceramic
Zheng, Jie, Li, Haoyang, Hogan, James D.
We have developed a three-dimensional hybrid finite-discrete element model to investigate the mode I tensile opening failure of alumina ceramic. This model implicitly considers the flaw system in the material and explicitly shows the macroscopic failure patterns. A single main crack perpendicular...
Shao, Chenwei, Li, Haoyang, Zhu, Yankun, Li, Peng, Yu, Haoyang, Zhang, Zhefeng, Gleiter, Herbert, McDonald, André, Hogan, James D.
Nanostructured materials are being actively developed, while it remains an open question how to rapidly scale them up to bulk engineering materials for broad industrial applications. This study propose an industrial approach to rapidly fabricate high-strength large-size nanostructured metal...
Low-Cost and High-Speed Fabrication of Camouflage-Enabling Microfluidic Devices using Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene
Sun, Xiaoruo, Asad, Asad, Ali, Mehnab, Morita, Luka, Dolez, Patricia I., Hogan, James D., Sameoto, Dan
This study demonstrates a multi-spectrum camouflage control via microfluidic methods within a thermally and visibly semi-transparent polymer (polyethylene). Microfluidic devices have a high potential for achieving multiband camouflage including both visible and infrared (IR) spectrums because...