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Fall 2022
For many, the pursuit of a healthy romantic and sexual relationship is a significant component of their lives. However, the use of satisfaction measures may not be sufficient to capture and understand the underlying factors and nuances that govern sexual well-being. The strong relationality model...
Fall 2022
This thesis mainly focuses on the photophysical properties and potential sens- ing applications of a designed fluorescent distyrylbenzene-related fluorophore. This fluorophore, which we refer to as “P4VB” in this work shows a large fluorescence spectral shift upon exposure to certain local...
Spring 2022
Molecular self-assembly is the basis of structure in Nature. While of far less complexity than a natural system, the same physical rules apply to simple synthetic designed systems that spontaneously form self-assembled structures and patterns. The self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) is an...
Spring 2022
Life relies on membranes, electron transfer reactions and proton-gradients. To better understand if electron transfer within and proton gradients across a lipid membrane could be achieved with simple, prebiotically plausible components, we synthesized prebiotically plausible neutral metal...
Delimitation and identification of crescent butterflies (Nymphalidae: Phyciodes) in Alberta using molecular and morphological techniques
DownloadFall 2022
Species delimitation can be challenging, especially in taxonomic groups that exhibit little morphological divergence. Many techniques and concepts have been developed for detecting species boundaries, and molecular methods are becoming increasingly common. Next generation sequencing techniques...
Spring 2022
Play therapy is an effective form of psychotherapy typically used with children under the age of 12. Numerous meta-analyses amalgamating the results of hundreds of play therapy research studies have shown that children who engage in play therapy are better off than nearly 80% of those who do not...
Near-Wellbore Permeability Damage by Fines Migration in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Wells
DownloadFall 2022
This thesis investigates the flow performance impairment or permeability damage under the fines migration process near the SAGD wellbore producers completed with sand control screens. A new sand retention testing (SRT) procedure was developed to replicate a more representative fines migration...
Spring 2022
The DNA damage response (DDR) is critical for maintaining genomic integrity and prevention of genotoxic consequences leading to carcinogenesis. The DDR signaling cascade results either in the activation of the repair pathway, or initiation of apoptosis if the repair is not possible. Many...
Buried wood effects on soil nutrient supply and microbial activity in different oil sands reclamation soils in Northern Alberta
DownloadSpring 2022
Manchola Rojas, Laura Alejandra
Buried wood is an important component of natural and anthropogenic soils, yet it remains severely understudied. Nutrient immobilization as a response to wood addition in soils raises concerns from oil sands reclamation practitioners since the clear and grub procedures prior to soil salvaging tend...
Spring 2022
Livestock metabolomics is an emerging field of metabolomics that is growing at a fast rate. The ability to rapidly detect and quantify hundreds or even thousands of metabolites within a single sample is helping livestock scientists paint a far more complete picture of animal metabolism and...