Skip to Search Results- 2Natalie Loveless: Supervisor
- 2Sean Caulfield, Supervisor
- 1Adam Slusar
- 1Adrian Emberley
- 1Adrienne Dagg
- 1Aidan Rowe
My current research is focused on the history of camping and wilderness survival. Specifically, I am exploring how our ideas about the landscape are constructed, and what it means when we interact with the wild by engaging in activities like camping. My recent mixed-media prints combine my own...
Andrew C. Hellmund, Peter Hide (Supervisor)
My sculptures encourage the viewer to project their own experiences onto the work, to question the facts of visual existence with the engagement of movement, form, and texture. While I draw immense inspiration from Swing dance, Jazz music, Cubist forms, and Modernist Sculpture (including works by...
Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...
Hide and Seek is a children’s game. It can also be thought of more broadly as the act of concealment and of searching. The works in this exhibition ask viewers to consider the things from our past that we consciously and subconsciously hide as well as the objects and spaces in which we seek...
From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...
My work is about the exploration of everyday-life, colour and the imagination. Making paintings is my way of understanding the dynamic and ever-changing sociological, cultural, and digital fabric of North American society. My practice involves creating a poetic network of images that utilize a...
How can we think about the relationship between physical and psychological spaces? Obscura explores the possibility that the intersection of the two can foster deeply contemplative experiences, and enable attentive and empathetic consideration of our relationship with the world. The works in the...
Canadiana: Wilderness Weirdness provides a distinctive design through form, detail and handcraft. The practice of object making utilizes traditional pairings of domestic materials with traditional and contemporary manufacturing processes, resulting in objects that reference the Canadian...
disPOSSESSION is a body of work that explores the accumulation of wealth of few and the displacement of many with a focus on the expansion of soy and beef production, ensuing environmental, social, and economic consequences, as well as connected indigenous land rights and peasant food sovereignty...