Skip to Search Results- 20Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 3Kolkman, John
- 2Public Interest Alberta
- 1Ahorro, Joseph
- 1Alberta College of Social Workers
- 1Dragushan, Jean L.
- 14Poverty
- 9Canada, Alberta
- 8Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 8Poverty--Prevention
- 7Poverty--Statistics
- 6Public welfare
- 20Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)
- 14Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Poverty and Social Assistance (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 4Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Children, Youth and Family (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/History and Roles of the Edmonton Social Planning Council
Edmonton Social Planning Council
This package includes a brief overview of the Edmonton Social Planning Council, an article on poverty in Edmonton written by Peter Faid, the May 1989 issue of Alberta Facts (on child poverty) and various back issues of the ESPC's publication \"first reading\".
Co-published by the Edmonton Social Planning Council, the Alberta College of Social Workers and Public Interest Alberta, \"In This Together : Ending Poverty in Alberta\" identifies the need for a province-wide poverty reduction strategy in Alberta. It also discusses how the Government of Alberta...
Edmonton Social Planning Council
Includes sample issues of the Council's serial publications Alberta Facts and First Reading.
Edmonton Social Planning Council
In May 1997 over two hundred poor people came together at the first Western Canada Poor People's Conference in Edmonton to discover the magnitude of the problem, its causes and consequences, and possible solutions. This three day event was designed to provide insights to the social and individual...
Edmonton Social Planning Council
Special project application to United Way Children and Poverty Project.