Development Of A Model-Free Adaptive Steering Control For Autonomous Vehicles Path Tracking Using Cost-Based Gain Adaptation With Integral Action
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
This paper presents a model-free adaptive steering control algorithm for path tracking of autonomous vehicles. To design steering controllers for autonomous vehicle path tracking, a mathematical model is needed, but it may have high nonlinearity and complexity that increases computation time and effort. To resolve this problem, a model-free adaptive steering controller was designed for vehicle path tracking. As the design method, the feedback control scheme with adaptive feedback gain was applied so that the adaptation gain can be adjusted based on cost-based integral action. Simulation results show that the designed model-free adaptive controller with the cost-based gain adaptation method can achieve satisfactory tracking accuracy under the curved path tracking scenario.
Part of Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2022.
- Date created
- 2022-06-01
- Subjects / Keywords
- Type of Item
- Article (Published)