
Semi-aquatic mammals: Annotated bibliography

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This annotated bibliography contains 776 entries grouped under the species: muskrat, beaver, mink, and otter. For each species, categories are compiled under: (1) life history; (2) mortality factors; (3) physiology; (4) environmental quality; and (5) management. Also included are entries not directly related to the species listed but of relevance. These are listed in \"Pertinent Ancillary Studies\". In addition to perusal of abstracts (e.g. Bioabstracts, Zoological Review, Wildlife Review) and journals (e.g. J. Wild. Manage., Can. J. Zool., J. Mammal.) held in the University of Guelph's McLaughlin Library, references were acquired through the Biological Information Service, and the Journal of Mammalogy's citation retrieval system for the four species. Most annotations were composed by the authors of the bibliography. No general trends, conclusions, or recommendations are presented based on the annotated bibliography.

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