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Urban Carrying Capacity under Cold Climate for Transportation Generated Air Pollution and Public Exposure

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis grant awarded 2020. Main objectives of research are to (i) critically assess the state of the knowledge, (ii) identify the effective interventions on reducing transportation generated air pollution, (iii) examine the scientific methodologies and metrics used to identify the problem, and (iv) propose new multidisciplinary research area for transportation generated air pollution in cold climates. A team of multidisciplinary researchers from the faculty of engineering and the faculty of medicine is set to identify the knowledge gap of the "urban absorption capacity" (from health point of view) for current and prospective transportation options, to mobilize the identified knowledge to main stakeholders, and to identify possible research areas. It also identifies success stories of using knowledge to abate transportation generated air pollution in large cities.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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    © Mahdi, Shahbakhti. All rights reserved other than by permission. This document embargoed to those without UAlberta CCID until 2025
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    Shahbakhti Mahdi