Using Assessment for Learning to Support Numeracy Development in a School Division

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  • A divisional leader can use the Assessment for Learning framework to increase student achievement in numeracy. Assessment for Learning includes defining clear learning goals, coconstructing criteria around quality and success, engaging in all forms of feedback for learning, collecting evidence of learning, and using information to guide the next learning steps. The Assessment for Learning framework can foster the essential elements necessary for a district leader to enhance numeracy development in students in the division. The aspects essential for a district leader to increase student numeracy are discussed in this paper in four areas. The first is enhancing assessment literacy, including understanding learning progressions and using evidence of learning to increase student achievement. The second is incorporating generative leadership practices to increase professional growth. The third is using collaboration and feedback to increase the culture of professional growth as a collective. Finally, supporting student engagement is discussed with an emphasis on using assessment to motivate students, including all students in the learning process, and incorporating building effective relationships with students to increase engagement and achievement in numeracy. By using the Assessment for Learning framework and focusing on increasing numeracy attributes and skills of students, divisional leaders can enhance assessment literacy and raise student achievement

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    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International