
Feature-based Modeling for Industrial Processes in the Context of Digital Twins

  • Author / Creator
    Ren, Jiangzhuo
  • Industrial process modeling is currently undergoing a fundamental transformation, leading towards interconnected closed-loop twins of models, i.e., the parametrically-controlled real-world physics model, and its corresponding digitalized virtual system model. However, with the application of advanced manufacturing technologies to industrial processes, the digitalized modeling of the physics phenomena becomes the obstruction to realizing this transformation. Thus, this research proposes a semantic conceptual framework for industrial process modeling in the context of digital twins. Based on a hierarchical structure of digital twins, this framework modularizes the modeling process in terms of the semantic information modules of physics in the real-world phenomena and clarifies inter-module associations and near-real-time data processing so that the time-sensitive phenomenon information objects distributed on virtually-separated sub-level physics models can be supported for representing the real-world process comprehensively. Advanced feature concept is adopted to construct the digital models as the basic compositions of any virtual industrial process. The related feature definitions are extended in this work so that the common characteristics in the concept of digital twins could be generically and concisely represented.
    The high-velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) thermal spraying process is used as an example to demonstrate the modeling methods in the framework. Firstly, the partial feature concepts are implemented to develop a core multiple-view and yet integrated model template covering numerical modeling, numerical analysis, and parameter optimization, where the simulation intent can be associated with the optimization intent. This template models the physicochemical phenomena existing in the HVOF nozzle. Further, the WC-12Co coating properties are optimized. The final experimental verification indicates the proposed framework can generate positive effects on the real world. Secondly, a parametrically controlled model for simulating the coating thickness in HVOF processes is developed based on a hierarchically multiple-model integration method. The effects of the commonly used operating parameters, particle properties and size range, and spray path on the coating thickness distribution are taken into account, which shows excellent comprehensiveness. Meanwhile, the comparison between the experiment results and simulation results indicates that the modeling method can properly mirror the real scenario on the virtual side and predict the coating distribution with a small error. Thirdly, the digital model of a prototyped HVOF coating process system has been constructed to validate the phenomenon synchronization. The data from the nozzle trajectory, the flame and the in-flight particle behavior, and the transient thermal performance of the coating layer and substrate are synchronously incorporated for simulating the transient phenomena of the substrate component temperature and coating thickness distribution on the substrate surface. The final simulation result validates that the feature-based digital model is able to timely reflect the real-world scenario on the virtual side.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2022
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.