Communities and Collections
Auto/biography in Transit: Conference
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
SSHRC Awarded CG 2014: "Auto/biography in Transit" is the eighth biennial conference of the International Association for Biography and Autobiography. The conference gathers together the top scholars from around the world who are experts in analysing autobiography, biography and other forms of life writing, in addition to new and emerging scholars, those new to the field, and graduate students. This conference will focus on the themes of transit and transition as a way to think about how lives, narratives and other forms of self-representation are constantly in motion amidst globalization. The conference will be held over four days from May 29, 2014 to June 1, 2014 at the Banff Centre.
- Date created
- 2014-01-21
- Subjects / Keywords
- Arts and Culture
- Communications
- Ideology
- Education
- Conference Grant
- New Media
- Life Writing
- CG
- Genre
- Humanities
- Discourse analysis
- Successful SSHRC
- Conferences
- Autobiography
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- 2014
- Comparative Literature
- Literary Criticism
- Popular Culture
- Theory
- Connection Grant
- Media Studies
- Cultural Criticism
- 2014
- Type of Item
- Research Material