
Predictive Representation Learning for Language Modeling

  • Author / Creator
    Lan, Qingfeng
  • Language Modeling (LM) is often formulated as a next-word prediction problem over a large vocabulary, which makes it challenging. To effectively perform the task of next-word prediction, Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTMs) must keep track of many types of information. Some information is directly related to the next word’s identity, but some is more secondary (e.g. discourse-level features or features of downstream words). Correlates of secondary information appear in LSTM representations, even though they are not part of an explicitly supervised prediction task. In contrast, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has found success in techniques that explicitly supervise representations to predict secondary information. Inspired by that success, we propose Predictive Representation Learning (PRL), which explicitly constrains LSTMs to encode specific predictions, like those that might need to be learned implicitly. By dividing the complex next-word prediction task into many simpler prediction tasks of secondary information, we show that PRL 1) significantly improves two strong language modeling methods, 2) converges more quickly, and 3) performs better when data is limited. Our fusion of RL with LSTMs shows that explicitly encoding a simple predictive task facilitates the search for a more effective language model.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2020
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
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