
Vegetation and forest productivity Syncrude Lease 22

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  • Syncrude Canada Ltd. is producing synthetic crude oil from a surface mine on the eastern portion of Syncrude Lease 17. Hardy Associates was commissioned to describe and map the vegetation types and to assess forest productivity on the adjacent Lease 22 in order to add to Syncrude's baseline environmental knowledge of this lease area. Eleven major vegetation types were identified and are mapped at a scale of 1:20 000. Aspen-white spruce was the dominant vegetation type covering nearly 28% of the 19 600 ha study area. The second most abundant vegetation type was black spruce-Labrador tea (24%) and the third was aspen-birch at 15%. The remaining 33% of the area was occupied by a complex pattern of willow reed-grass, white spruce-aspen, black spruce-feathermoss, aspen-jack pine, sedge-reed grass, balsam poplar-alder, white spruce-balsam fir and river alder-tall willow types. The average mean annual increment for the lease is 1.4 m3/ha yr (or class 6), with the aspen-white spruce type providing the major portion of the productivity at class 5, and the black spruce-Labrador tea type the least at class 7.

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    Conditions of Use Reid, R.E. and J.N. Sherstabetoff, 1984. Vegetation and forest productivity Syncrude Lease 22. Syncrude Canada Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta. Environmental Research Monograph 1984-3. 63 pp. plus maps. Permission for non-commercial use, publication or presentation of excerpts or figures is granted, provided appropriate attribution (as above) is cited. Commercial reproduction, in whole or in part, is not permitted without prior written consent. The use of these materials by the end user is done without any affiliation with or endorsement by Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reliance upon the end user's use of these materials is at the sole risk of the end user.