
Improving Siberian larch seed germination rates

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  • The flotation technique was used to segregate non-viable from viable Siberian larch (Larix Sibirica Ledeb.) seeds using water as the floating media. The non-viable seeds floated while the viable ones sank. Without stratification, the average percent germination of the floating and sunken seeds were 4.2% and 71.0% respectively. Percent germination of the sunken seeds increased from 37.2% before segregation to approximately 70.0% after segregation. Cold stratification for two weeks at 5°C before germination showed no significant difference in the average percent germination between the stratified and unstratified seeds.

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    Conditions of Use Fung, M.Y.P., 1992. Improving Siberian larch seed germination rates. Syncrude Canada Ltd., Corporate Environment, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Report 92-4. 6 pp. plus appendix. Permission for non-commercial use, publication or presentation of excerpts or figures is granted, provided appropriate attribution (as above) is cited. Commercial reproduction, in whole or in part, is not permitted without prior written consent. The use of these materials by the end user is done without any affiliation with or endorsement by Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reliance upon the end user's use of these materials is at the sole risk of the end user.