Teacher Burnout: Definition, Causes, Implications, and Systemic Supports

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • “Teachers, as well as education quality and development, are affected by their well-being” (Jian, X. et al. 2023, p. 3). While the inherent demands of the teaching profession make it likely that stress will be experienced by all teachers at one time or another, excessive and/or unmanaged stress can result in what is termed as “burnout,” with significant implications for both the individual teacher and the profession as a whole. This capstone project reviews research respective to the definition, causes, prevalence, and implications of teacher burnout. The project also seeks to provide means to address the issue through best practices outlined in stress, care, and servant leadership theory, as well as systemic supports that may be implemented by school
    divisions and administrators; specifically, teacher mentorship and professional learning.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International