
Dry deposition of sulphur dioxide in the Athabasca oil sands area

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  • A field study has been undertaken at the Sandalta lease near Fort McMurray to determine the sulphur dioxide dry deposition velocities above and within a tree canopy. The concentration gradient method has been used to compute fluxes and dry deposition velocities. The covariance of temperature and vertical wind velocity was measured with a sonic anemometer. The eddy diffusivity for heat was calculated from the ratio of the covariance to the potential temperature gradient. A flame photometric analyzer was utilized to measure sulphur dioxide concentrations. Most calculations were performed in real time using a digital datalogger. An average daytime dry deposition velocity of 0.8 + 0.7 cm/s was calculated for the September 26, 1983 episode. Sulphur dioxide was observed on nine other occasions during the operational period but because of equipment limitations, it was not possible to calibrate the S02 analyzer on the sampling range.

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