
OSRIN Annual Report: 2013/14

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  • This report describes Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN) activities and accomplishments for the fiscal year (FY) April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014. Key accomplishments for OSRIN this past year include: • Management of 38 research projects, support of 3 conferences and a Student Delegation oil sands tour; • Publication of 15 technical reports arising from contracted research, for a total of 46 to date; • Publication of the 2012/13 Annual Report, as well as updating 3 Staff Reports; • Addition of 15 new articles to the Did You Know series (we are in the process of compiling all of these into a report to be released in December) • Continued publication of the bi-weekly OSRIN Newsletter – 260 subscribers as of March 31, 2014, a significant increase from 175 at the end of last year; • Continued digitizing and making publically available historical research and policy reports as pdf documents (370 made available to date); • Continued adding references to the OSRIN/CEMA Oil Sands Environmental Management Bibliography – currently 2,967 records • Continued outreach efforts by the OSRIN Executive Director. Publication of OSRIN reports provides the public and researchers with additional information on environmental management of oil sands impacts. They are available from the University’s Education & Research Archive ( Over 28,500 copies of OSRIN’s reports have been downloaded since September 2011 . OSRIN is currently slated to wind up at the end of December 2014.

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    Attribution 3.0 International