The habitat of Syncrude tar sands Lease #17: An initial evaluation
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
Syncrude Canada Ltd. Lease 17 is located in the boreal mixedwood forest ecosystem. It lies within an area of moderately-low biological productivity. Thirty per cent of the lease is in the muskeg habitat type. The winter climate is severe. Energy cycling between soils, plants and animals occurs at comparatively slow rates. There are relatively few steps between food-producing organisms and food-consuming organisms, in comparison with temperate zone ecosystems. Twelve terrestrial and aquatic habitat types exist on the lease. These plant communities offer a variety of cover to wildlife. Terrestrial habitats of mature forest cover are restricted to eastern and southern portions of the lease. Much of the lease has been burned by forest fires prior to our development. Aquatic habitats are limited on Syncrude Lease 17. The Beaver Creek drainage is good beaver habitat. Mildred and Horseshoe Lakes offer habitat to waterfowl, especially as feeding areas during migration; summer waterfowl nesting habitat is limited.
- Date created
- 1973
- Type of Item
- Report
- License
- Conditions of Use Syncrude Canada Ltd., 1973. The habitat of Syncrude tar sands Lease #17: An initial evaluation. Syncrude Canada Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta. Environmental Research Monograph 1973-1. 40 pp. Permission for non-commercial use, publication or presentation of excerpts or figures is granted, provided appropriate attribution (as above) is cited. Commercial reproduction, in whole or in part, is not permitted without prior written consent. The use of these materials by the end user is done without any affiliation with or endorsement by Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reliance upon the end user's use of these materials is at the sole risk of the end user.