
Aura 3D Textures

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  • Technical report TR06-09. This paper presents a new technique, called aura 3D textures, for generating solid textures based on input examples. Our method is fully automatic and requires no user interactions in the process. Given an input texture sample, our method first creates its aura matrix representations and then generates a solid texture by sampling the aura matrices of the input sample constrained in multiple view directions. Once the solid texture is generated, any given object can be textured by the solid texture. We evaluate the results of our method based on extensive user studies. Based on the evaluation results using human subjects, we conclude that our algorithm can generate faithful results of both stochastic and structural textures with an average successful rate of 76.4%. Our experimental results also show that the new method outperforms Wei & Levoy's method and is comparable to that proposed by Jagnow, Dorsey, and Rushmeier. | TRID-ID TR06-09

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    Attribution 3.0 International