Moving production apps to AWS cloud and backup strategies

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This project focuses on understanding the trends and advantages of Cloud Computing. Fundamentals and foundational concepts of cloud computing are understood and examined. The project captures the challenges of the traditional data center. It is then how cloud computing is helping to resolve these challenges. A thorough study of cloud architecture is conducted to understand the benefits and principles of cloud computing. The further in-depth analysis provides an understanding and utilization of various cloud computing service models and deployment models. The project also covers understanding and analysis of services and architecture of the biggest cloud vendor Amazon Web Services. A test application is created locally and migrated to the AWS cloud as part of project implementation. This implementation analyzes why more customers are adopting the cloud and how AWS is a leading cloud vendor. Through the project implementation, the AWS cloud architecture and relevance of various services provided by AWS
    are learned and examined.

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  • DOI
  • License
    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International