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Improving Canadian teachers' assessment literacy and decision-making through self-directed professional development

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • SSHRC IG awarded 2023: Educational assessment can be one of the most productive forces for student learning in classrooms or one of the most destructive. The deciding factor is whether teachers can make assessment decisions that can engage and motivate students and enhance their learning. Although new provincial and territorial assessment policies consistently promote a student-centred view of assessment, the lack of assessment literacy continues to be a major drawback that prevents teachers from promoting equitable learning and improving student achievement. This SSHRC study tackles this gap in teacher practice by analysing Canadian teachers' current assessment practices to develop a self-directed professional development (PD) program to improve pre-service and in-service teachers' assessment literacy. The ultimate goal of the PD program is to ensure a productive future for assessment in Canadian schools, one that reduces inequities in learning and benefits all students.

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    Research Material
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