
Brainspan Learning Games: What's in it for Instructors?

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • Background: A multiplayer learning game was developed for use in the preclinical courses at our medical school. The resource was developed from two perspectives: student and instructor. Students use the game to review course concepts and to test themselves for exam preparation. Instructors have different needs and this poster describes how the game system can be used to improve teaching practices. Methodology: Instructors can make games to review lectures and by asking students to complete the game of the day, get good feedback about potential problems and levels of understanding . Instructors can generate reports of several types that help steer the teaching process ; individual student performance on game questions is one parameter useful for identification of students who need more attention. Instructors can also generate reports on the subcategories of the major subject and see how students are doing in different areas of the course, which can lead to a change in teaching practices if deficiencies are found. A major useful function of the game system is the ability to make a quiz game and receive an item analysis on individual multiple choice questions, helping standardize the quality of the course examinations. This game system was used as a tool for an assignment: students were required to submit multiple choice questions , all students answered the questions and the file was sent for item analysis. In this manner, standardized criteria were applied for assessment of assignment quality. Conclusions: Use of game systems for feedback and assessment is an easy way for instructors to interact with students outside of class. Added advantages include the ability to assess student performance and areas of difficulty.

  • Date created
  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Type of Item
    Conference/Workshop Poster
  • DOI
  • License
    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 International