Teacher Retention in Rural Canadian Communities

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • How might rural northern school divisions attract and retain excellent teachers? Northern communities are faced with many challenges when it comes to attracting and retaining teachers in their rural communities. This study aimed to identify incentives which can support northern school divisions in staffing their schools. While also identifying disincentives which may need to be mitigated to increase retention of teachers in northern areas. Teachers with three or more years of experience in northern schools of 130 students or fewer were chosen for interviews regarding this topic. An inductive approach was used for the analyses of the resulting data and the emergent themes were compared to existing literature. The following themes emerged through this process; career advancement, social integration, positive school culture, accessibility, cost and isolation. It is pertinent northern school divisions leverage the positive aspects of schools within their communities so they can attract more applicants for open positions. Promoting the aspects of rural living which long term staff identify to be incentives could help attract good fit hires for communities within northern areas.

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    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International