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Evaluating and Strengthening Peer Learning Programs for New Farmers

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • SSHRC PEG awarded 2019: This research project, a partnership between Young Agrarians Alberta (YA AB) and researchers from the University of Alberta, will bring together academic and practitioner knowledge and skills to build evaluation capacity and identify opportunities to strengthen and expand network-based peer learning programs that YA AB offers for new and aspiring ecological farmers in Alberta. More specifically, their research objectives are to: 1) examine network-based peer learning programs for new famers offered in Alberta and internationally; 2) build organizational evaluation capacity within YA AB, including building an organizational evaluation framework and building and testing an evaluation survey tool; 3) mobilize the research findings to both academic and general audiences, including the development of an organizational evaluation capacity building guide which will be made publicly accessible on the YA AB website. The research will also contribute more broadly to much needed understanding of the learning and social support needs of new entrants into farming, particularly those focused on ecological farming practices, and the role of network-based peer learning programs.

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    Research Material
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