
An Investigation of the Oxidation of Carbohydrate versus Fat for Energy in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes

  • Author / Creator
    Loehr, Sarah A
  • Impaired fat oxidation has been associated with increased plasma free fatty acid concentrations, ectopic fat deposition and insulin resistance, which may contribute to the development of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). The objectives of this research were to determine whether individuals with T2D oxidized a greater proportion of carbohydrate (CHO oxidizers) versus fat (fat oxidizers) over a 24 hour period, measured by the cumulative respiratory quotient (RQ24), and to identify differences in metabolic variables between CHO and fat oxidizers. Ten participants spent two non-consecutive days in the Whole Body Calorimetry Unit to determine their RQ24. More (n=7) were classified as CHO oxidizers than fat oxidizers (n=3); and CHO oxidizers had a greater central fat distribution (P=0.041) and a higher resting systolic blood pressure (P=0.031) than fat oxidizers. Results of this pilot study suggest that differences in substrate oxidation exist in people with T2D and these differences may be clinically important.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2013
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.