Communities and Collections

  • Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, Department of

    The Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science offers thesis programs leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, as well as course-based programs leading to Master of Agriculture, Master of Engineering and Master of Science degrees. The Department has active research programs in the following areas of specialization: Animal Science, Plant Science, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Metabolism, Bioresource and Food Engineering, Rangeland and Wildlife Resources and Bioresource Technology

    • Biological Sciences, Department of

      The Department of Biological Sciences is the largest and one of the most diverse on campus in terms of the research interests of its academic staff. The Department currently has over 70 professors, 20 adjunct professors and 20 professors emeritus, along with a graduate student population of nearly 300 and 70 departmental support staff. Over 95% of the academic staff in the Department have NSERC or CIHR funding, with the average grant monies being in excess of $200,000 per investigator.

      • Forum for Information Professionals

        The Forum for Information Professionals (formerly Professional Development Day) is an annual one-day event of presentations and discussions on current topics facing librarianship. The event is hosted by the students of the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta and organized by the Forum for Information Professionals committee. FIP is an opportunity for librarians and information professionals from all parts of Alberta to exchange ideas with library students and academics. Speakers include professional librarians as well as current and past students. The Forum for Information Professionals is organized by graduate students in the MLIS or joint MLIS programs at the School of Library and Information Studies.

        • Linguistics, Department of

          The Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta has established itself as a major centre, both nationally and internationally, for graduate education and research in the empirical study of human language. Our faculty and graduate students are actively involved in a wide range of data-driven linguistic research with a strong focus on the empirical study of language through observation, fieldwork, and experimentation. We are also home to several major research grants in the areas of language acquisition, psycholinguistics, acoustic phonetics, phonology, field linguistics, corpus linguistics, and language revitalization.

          • Law, Faculty of

            Research in the Faculty of Law builds on the rich tradition of research at the University of Alberta. Faculty members are involved in a wide variety of innovative scholarship, in diverse areas ranging from the running of corporations to the running of countries, from legal theory to the law of taxation, from aboriginal law to biotechnology policy. Research at the Faculty is supported by federal as well as provincial research grants and leads to varied products, including books, journal articles, policy documents, government advisory papers, consultation documents and expert testimony before Provincial Legislatures and Parliament.

            Our vibrant research environment is further enriched by the presence of several interdisciplinary centres and institutes, including the Centre for Constitutional Studies, the Health Law Institute, and the Forum on Civil Justice. The Faculty is also home to the Alberta Law Reform Institute and many Faculty members have contributed their research skills to Institute projects.

            In addition to being on the cutting edge of legal scholarship, research conducted by members of the Faculty of Law is relevant and influential in law reform, and policy development.

            • Political Science, Department of

              The Department of Political Science prides itself for seeking balance between tradition and innovation in both teaching and research. We focus both on appreciating the rich traditional core of our discipline — the fields of Canadian politics, political theory, international relations and comparative politics remain central to our work — but are also actively concerned with new multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary questions, insights and approaches.

              • Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of

                The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology belongs to the School of Human Development in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta. Faculty members encompass the full range of academic medicine. An accomplished team of educators trains medical undergraduate and postgraduate students in the provision of innovative patient care, while the department's distinguished cadre of scientists focuses on clinical, discovery and translational research.

                • Education, Faculty of

                  The Faculty of Education is committed to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge about teaching and learning. We promote the view that to be a professional educator is to continue to question, to reflect, to seek knowledge, and to be open to change.

                  • Digital Humanities Program

                    Digital Humanities integrates computational methods and theories with research and teaching in the Arts and Humanities. It addresses the demand for Arts graduates to be able to work either in the realm of arts and humanities research and teaching or in the emerging job markets of information management and content delivery over the internet.

                    • University of Alberta Copyright Office

                      The mission of the University of Alberta Copyright Office is to educate and support U of A students, faculty and staff as those issues relate to teaching and learning, research and scholarly communications, and to develop and implement best practices to promote access to information in accordance with the University’s Use of Copyright Materials Policy.

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