Capping Projects (Teaching English as a Second Language)
Students in the Master's of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) program in the Department of Educational Psychology complete capstone projects in their final year. These projects integrate the skills and concepts that students have learned during their tenure in the program and may be based on surveys or interviews, materials development or analysis, or the conduct of experiments. They are designed to address issues of relevance to teachers of ESL/EFL or the wider ESL community.
Items in this Collection
- 9English as a second language
- 5English-language instruction
- 3Adult instruction
- 2English as a Second Language
- 2Language acquisition
- 2Listening comprehension
This study explores the relationship between accent, identity, and sense of belonging for adult ESL immigrants to Canada. Forty-two adult immigrant ESL students at a post-secondary institution in western Canada participated in a survey about their attitudes towards their accents, the value they...
In this study, 16 English as a second language (ESL) pronunciation textbooks were examined. Accompanying audio CDs were excluded from the research. Twelve texts were beginner through advanced-level student books and four were teachers’ manuals. All of the textbooks were published after 2004. The...
The objective of this paper is to examine how language acquisition can be most effectively maximized through film as the visual medium. This project explores ways of using modern Hollywood movies in the ESL classroom as a means of developing the writing skills of ESL learners. To my knowledge, no...
The question, ‘How does video captioning improve listening comprehension (LC)?’ is discussed from the perspective of the value captioned video brings to the adult English as a second language (ESL) learner and from how they can be effectively used in the ESL classroom. Listening comprehension is...
How Well Do Popular Adult ESL Materials Provide Pragmatic Knowledge Learning Opportunities?
In this study, an evaluation of English as a second language (ESL) textbooks was conducted. Thirty textbooks used in several Edmonton programs intended for students at the intermediate ESL proficiency level were examined to determine their pragmatic content. Findings suggest that ESL instructors...
How to teach grammar within the communicative language classroom has been an issue of concern for many educators ever since it has become apparent that simply providing comprehensible input does not ensure high levels of grammatical accuracy (Harley, Allen, Cummins, & Swain, 1990; Lightbown &...
Second language acquisition research has well established that learners require input, interaction and focus on form during communicative language lessons (Ellis, 2012; Spada & Lightbown, 2008). The question now is no longer if form-focused instruction should be included but where and how the...
Although there has been extensive research conducted on mentoring new instructors in the K-12 system, in English as a foreign language (EFL) and teaching practicum contexts, there is a gap in the research from the Canadian English as a second language (ESL) perspective on mentoring instructors...
Researchers have been exploring phrasal verbs (PV) for a few decades now; the complex nature of PVs, their high frequency and productivity in conversation and fiction, and the challenges they pose to learners and teachers account for linguists‟ interest in this type of verb. One area in which PV...
English article use is one of the most difficult aspects of English grammar for both teachers and learners of English as a second language (ESL). A teacher in Yamada and Matsuura’s (1982) study claimed that his students used articles “almost randomly” (p. 50) while some researchers (e.g., Dulay,...