Mentoring for Instructors of Adult ESL

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  • Although there has been extensive research conducted on mentoring new instructors in the K-12 system, in English as a foreign language (EFL) and teaching practicum contexts, there is a gap in the research from the Canadian English as a second language (ESL) perspective on mentoring instructors teaching adults. Three online surveys covering the mentee, mentor and administrator perspectives were developed to solicit Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language (ATESL) listserv participants’ opinions about mentor program elements and procedures, benefits, challenges, needed supports, and recommendations regarding who should receive mentoring and when. In this study, findings showed that the elements of, procedures for, and benefits of mentoring were rated very important by most respondents, thus supporting some of the K-12 mentoring literature (e.g., Daresh, 2003; Sweeny, 2008). Also, while the mentees, mentors, and administrators provided similar responses regarding the challenges, needed supports, and recommendations for mentoring, I identified slightly different tendencies on a few of these factors (e.g., guidance in planning lessons, the challenges of matching participants and of defining the role of administrators, the need for mentor training, and whether mentees should receive mentoring). Therefore, developers of mentoring programs for adult ESL instructors should consider the perspectives of all three groups and enlist their help as the developers design and implement a program for their context. A list of recommendations for mentoring is provided.

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    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International