Research Data and Materials (Biological Sciences)
Items in this Collection
- 73Biological Sciences, Department of
- 73Biological Sciences, Department of/Research Data and Materials (Biological Sciences)
- 2Biological Sciences, Department of/Other Publications (Biological Sciences)
- 1Biological Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Biological Sciences)
- 1Cahill Lab of Experimental Plant Ecology
- 1Cahill Lab of Experimental Plant Ecology/Journal Articles (Cahill Lab)
A review of metrics of distribution with application to Conservation Units under Canada's Wild Salmon Policy
Carrie A. Holt, Stephanie J. Peacock
Metrics describing the distribution of individuals among groups and across the landscape can provide information on the resilience of a population that may not be apparent from abundance information alone. The distribution of spawners has therefore been recommended as an indicator of the...
Alberta grassland plant trait data
Plant trait data collected and processed by the Cahill Lab in Experimental Plant Ecology. The core data was collected with funding provided by the Rangeland Research Institute, University of Alberta. Included are raw data for core plant traits, including root and leaf characteristics. Standard...
Aphrocallistes vastus Trinity transcriptome
Sponges (Porifera) are among the earliest evolving metazoans. Their filter-feeding body plan based on choanocyte chambers organized into a complex aquiferous system is so unique among metazoans that it either reflects an early divergence from other animals prior to the evolution of features such...
Caribou Data Set
DeMars, Craig A., Derocher, Andrew E., Auger-Méthé, Marie
This the data associated with the manuscript: Auger-Méthé, M, AE Derocher, DA DeMars, MJ Plank, EA Codling, MA Lewis. Evaluating random search strategies in three mammals from distinct feeding guilds. Journal of Animal Ecology. In Press. The data is the step lengths and turning angles measured...
Code and data for "Biased correlated random walks and invasive spread: Insights from the alga Codium fragile"
Code and data for "Biased correlated random walks and invasive spread: Insights from the alga Codium fragile"
Karine Gagnon, Stephanie Peacock, Mark Lewis, Yu Jin
Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Understanding what influences the spread of invasive species after introduction is key to minimizing impacts on native ecosystems and has been the subject of much applied and theoretical work. Thus far, models of spread have not...
Cost of filtration DATA for 5 demosponges - Data associated with: Ludeman, Reidenbach and Leys - JEB 2017 The energetic cost of filtration by demosponges and their behavioural response to ambient currents
Abstract: Sponges (Porifera) are abundant in most marine and freshwater ecosystems and as suspension feeders they play a crucial role in filtering the water column. Their active pumping enables them to filter up to 900 times their body volume of water per hour, recycling nutrients and coupling a...