Journal Articles (Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering)
Items in this Collection
- 82Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Program
- 82Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Program/Journal Articles (Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering)
- 4Railway Ground Hazards Research Project (RGHRP)
- 4Railway Ground Hazards Research Project (RGHRP)/Journal Articles (RGHRP)
- 1Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of
- 1Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of/Research Materials (Civil & Environmental Engineering)
A 4D filtering and calibration technique for small-scale point cloud change detection with a terrestrial laser scanner
Hutchinson, D. Jean, Kromer, Ryan A., Edwards, Tom, Lato, Matt, Jaboyedoff, Michel, Abellán, Antonio
This study presents a point cloud de-noising and calibration approach that takes advantage of point redundancy in both space and time (4D). The purpose is to detect displacements using terrestrial laser scanner data at the sub-mm scale or smaller, similar to radar systems, for the study of very...
A portable tilting table for on-site tests of the friction angles of discontinuities in rock masses
A portable tilting table can determine the friction angles of smooth surfaces of discontinuities for the assessment of rock slope stability. The lower bound of tests on sandstones is close to the upper bound of results from surfaces lapped with #80 grit, which give basic friction angles....
A web-based GIS for managing and assessing landslide data for the town of Peace River, Canada
Kim, T. H., Chao, D., Martin, C. D., Froese, C. R., Morgan, A. J., Chowdhury, S., Lan, H. X.
Abstract. Assessment of geological hazards in urban areas must integrate geospatial and temporal data, such as complex geology, highly irregular ground surface, fluctuations in pore-water pressure, surface displacements and environmental factors. Site investigation for geological hazard studies...
Cruden, D. M., Masoumzadeh, S.
A 249 day long record of the accelerating creep of a slope of an open-pit coal mine is analyzed, using linear regression, to test four creep laws. The Saito and Zavodni and Broadbent laws did not lead to a satisfactory estimation of the time of failure as a range of times of failure satisfied the...
An approach to evaluation of field CPTU dissipation data in overconsolidated fine-grained soils
Campanella, R., Robertson, P. K., Woeller, D., Sully, J.
Abstract: Dissipation of excess pore pressures during piezocone testing in firm to stiff overconsolidated fine-grained soils provides data curves that cannot be interpreted using published theoretical solutions. Available solutions are based on either cavity-expansion or strain-path methods,...
An evaluation of real-time deformation monitoring using motion capture instrumentation and its application in monitoring railway foundations
Martin, C. Derek, Barbour, S. Lee, Hendry, Michael T.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of motion capture instrumentation to monitor the response of a railway embankment and the underlying soft peat mire foundation soils to freight train loading. Initial data sets were obtained from the motion capture system, called the...
An overview of soil heterogeneity: quantification and implications on geotechnical field problems
Elkateb, T., Chalaturnyk, R., Robertson, P. K.
Abstract: Engineering judgment and reliance on factors of safety have been the conventional tools for dealing with soil heterogeneity in geotechnical practice. This paper presents a review of recent advances in treating soil variability. It presents the implications of geostatistical techniques...
Morgenstern, N. R., Alencar, J., Chan, D. H.
Abstract: The paper presents the results obtained in the finite element simulation of 8 years of construction of a section of Syncrude's tailings dyke, which is located in northern Alberta and has been used to store oil sand mining waste. The site investigation for the construction of this dyke...
Basic friction angles of the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of Kananaskis Country, west of Calgary, Canada were determined on a tilting table to range from 21.5° to 41.3°. The basic friction angles of carbonate rocks with impurity contents under 10% increase with calcite content and grain size. Clay...
Cation exchange due to the diffusion of ammonium from livestock effluent through glacial clay soils
Abstract: The objective of this study was to experimentally simulate interactions between liquid manure and soil in diffusion-dominant areas beneath earthen manure storage (EMS). A previous radial diffusion cell method was modified to include an anaerobic chamber that employed a plastic glove bag...