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- 265Communications and Technology Graduate Program
- 246Communications and Technology Graduate Program/Capping Projects (Communications and Technology)
- 12Communications and Technology Graduate Program/Open Educational Resources (Communications and Technology)
- 6Communications and Technology Graduate Program/Journal Articles (Communications and Technology)
- 2School of Library and Information Studies
- 2School of Library and Information Studies/Graduate Research (Library & Information Studies)
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 32Gow, Gordon (Supervisor)
- 28McMahon, Rob (Supervisor)
- 16Adria, Marco (Supervisor)
- 13Gow, Gordon A.
- 13Varnhagen, Stanley (Supervisor)
- 12Campbell, Kathryn J. (Supervisor)
To Bag the Ban or Ban the Bag: Analysing a shifting discourse in Canadian online news during the pandemic year, 2020
Plastics pollution is an existential threat to the environment, and in particular to the world’s oceans. Pre-pandemic, a global response to this crisis was gaining traction, with news media reporting large scale policy implementation. For example, in Canada, the federal government made an...
221 - 230 of 265