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Author / Creator / Contributor
- 88Various
- 83CIHR
- 59University of Alberta Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- 54University of Alberta Concert Choir
- 51University of Alberta Concert Band
This case study explores what Media Richness Theory (Daft and Lengel, 1986) may offer as a theory to explain employee “Zoom fatigue” during COVID-19 and also examines potential fatigue-related gender differences that may affect our understanding of the theory. This project sought experiences from...
This thesis examines how the Hebrew word רוח is used in Ezekiel 37:1-14 and the Greek word πνευμα is used in John 3:1-21. Greek and Hebrew are two very different languages. Yet they often are paired together, since they are the two main languages used in the Christian Bible. They certainly have...
3511 - 3514 of 3514