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  • 2013-12-12


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for December 12, 2013 University Delegate teleconference. The new University Delegate Executive Committee Members were announced. Jen O'Donoughue (Executive Director, Reforms Implementation,CIHR) led a discussion about feedback received from the...

  • 2014-12-04


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for December 4, 2014 University Delegate teleconference. Discussion included modernization of the CIHR Institutes, the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), and an update to the Foundation Scheme with an opportunity for UDs to ask...

  • 2014-11-06


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for November 6, 2014 University Delegate teleconference. Discussion included the outcome of the October 28, 2014 Vice-Presidents of Research (VPR) meeting. UD members requested that discussions on the Institute Model Review be discussed at the...

  • 2013-11-07


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for November 7, 2013 University Delegate teleconference. Jonathan Faulkner (Manager, CIHR Strategic Investment Planning and Reporting) provided an update on the CIHR Signature Initiatives. The link to the presentation is found within the minutes....

  • 2014-10-02


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for October 2, 2014 University Delegate teleconference. Discussion included an update to the foundation scheme and project scheme pilots and piloting the biosketch in the transitional OOGP.

  • 2013-10-03


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for October 3, 2013 University Delegate teleconference. Discussion included an update to the Fall 2013 OOGP competition including number of applications received. The Foundation Scheme \"live pilot\" funding opportunity was also discussed with...

  • 2013-09-05


    Teleconference minutes are available for download for September 2013 University Delegate teleconference. Discussion included an update Biosketch and eligibility criteria for the Foundation Scheme \"live pilot\" competitions. A call for nominations to the University Delegates Executive Committee...

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