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A Techno-Economic and Life-cycle Assessment of the Production of Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass
DownloadSpring 2019
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint of Alberta’s oil sands industry is one of the industry’s most arduous environmental challenges. Alberta’s oil sands industry uses chemicals such as diluent to reduce the viscosity of bitumen to ease its transportation through pipelines. The oil sands...
A taxonomic investigation of the Carex macloviana D'Urv. Aggregate in western Canada and Alaska
Masters thesis. Statistical analysis of 47 quantitative characters, including chromosome numbers, geographic distributions, and ecological preferences used to diagnose each species of Carex macloviana in western Canada and Alaska.
A tale of two hypotheses: Effect of the herpes simplex-1 virus virion host shutoff (vhs) protein on bicistronic reporters
DownloadFall 2014
The herpes simplex virus virion host shutoff (vhs) protein acts as an mRNA specific endoribonuclease. Our lab has previously determined that vhs stimulates expression of the 3’ CAT cistron of a bicistronic reporter plasmid while under the influence of the BiP IRES; however, the mechanism by which...
Spring 2022
The endomembrane system is one of the hallmark features of all eukaryotes that distinguishes them from prokaryotes. Compared to bacteria and archaea, eukaryotic cells consist of biochemically and functionally distinct membranous compartments such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus,...