Skip to Search Results- 1Abazari Torqabeh, Alireza
- 1Ahmed, Sabbir
- 1Akpuh, Jude
- 1Bayati, Fatemeh
- 1Clifford, Alexander M
- 1Hunyinbo, Seyide, O
Fall 2019
Acting as a co-factor for hundreds of enzymes, zinc (Zn) is an essential trace metal required for organismal success across all phyla. When aquatic organisms such as fish are Zn deficient, growth, metabolism, and health are all negatively impacted. However, Zn in excess may also impair overall...
Spring 2014
Emerging devices, such as those based on carbon (in the form of graphene or nanotubes) or III-V compound semiconductors, are constructed on an atomic scale, where the transport is governed by the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics or the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) of semi-classical...
Fall 2011
The influence of the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state on specific phenotypic traits of Escherichia coli O157:H7 as well as its transport behaviour in porous media was examined in this study. E.coli O157:H7 is a human pathogen capable of entering a VBNC state following exposure to sublethal...
Spring 2011
This study examines the effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1) biofilm, with a concentration of cells similar to that reported for saturated aquifers, on the transport of poly(acrylic acid) stabilized nanoscale zero valent iron (pnZVI) in 14 cm long, saturated, laboratory packed columns, with...
Respiration, Acid/Base, Ammonia and Ionoregulatory Strategies in the Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii)
DownloadFall 2016
Hagfish feed on putrefied carrion, which poses several environmental challenges to the scavenger including hypoxia (Low PO2), hypercapnia (high PCO2) and high environmental ammonia (HEA). To any other organism, these conditions would be physiologically challenging; however, hagfish seem to have...
Fall 2010
This study experimentally evaluated wheat straw slurry pipelines. Tests were conducted to determine the particle properties of the biomass mixed in water over time. The saturated particle density of 1,060kg/m3 was reached after 24 hours, while the saturated moisture contents of 78.5% and 79.5%...
Nano-scale studies of the assembly, structure and properties of hybrid organic-silicon systems
DownloadFall 2011
Advancements in the field of electronics might be achieved by future molecular scale devices. Hybrid organic-silicon structures have the potential to overcome many challenges facing the use of molecules as devices while maintaining the ability to interface with traditional silicon technology. The...
Fall 2009
The Dual Failure Restorability (DFR) problems involve the design of network topology to be restorable in the event of single and dual failures scenarios. We developed new integer linear programming (ILP) models to optimally design mesh topology networks with various survivability schemes; span...
Modeling the transport of cryoprotective agents in articular cartilage for cryopreservation
DownloadSpring 2011
Loading vitrifiable concentrations of cryoprotective agents is an important step for cryopreservation of biological tissues by vitrification for research and transplantation purposes. This may be done by immersing the tissue in a cryoprotective agent (CPA) solution, and increasing the...
Fall 2016
Synthetic polymers are still widely used in today’s life despite all environmental issues attributed to them. Replacing synthetic polymers with natural biodegradable polymers has been considered as a way of reducing these environmental impacts partially, if not completely. Hydroxyporpyl xylan...