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  • 2018-01-01

    Andrychuk, Darren

    From the early 80s to the mid-90s, gay male culture experienced a period of degradation and destruction because of the HIV crisis. In 1992 the word “Queer”, an exclusively gay male slur, was used to describe a theory and then became a label for a set of individuals for which it had no negative...

  • 2021-01-01

    Lapierre, Matthew

    The No-Brow movement emphasizes the intersection between high and low culture, acknowledging their continuous dialogue, despite the severance between them. No-Brow collapses dichotomies between high and low culture by amalgamating art historical pictorial strategies of the old masters with...

  • 2023-06-20

    Klimp, Tanya

    Packaging or content, which is more important. In our society we perceive the content as having value and the package it came in as having none. My studio practice investigates this perception. Unfolding discarded packaging and unpacking its content, I am left with a shell, a skin, a vessel....

  • 2021-01-01

    Tripathi, Anuja

    Uric acid (UA) is an important biomarker of human health, given that it is implicated in a range of medical conditions such as gout, arthritis, kidney stones, and heart diseases. Gout, for example, is a prevalent and painful disease caused by uric acid buildup in joints. At high concentrations,...

  • 2021-01-01

    Sarrami, Nasim

    Collecting samples drop by drop to gain targeted carrier for cancer treatment. The goal of my studies is to prepare better versions of available medications for improvement in cancer treatment. As part of my study, I purify my prepared nanoparticles from other materials and collect them drop...

  • 2021-01-01

    Assaly, Janan

    Lust and sensuality, the eternal image of nude Venus, an ancient iconography reimagined in the most treasured Western artworks. Important to understanding the power of her image, is an understanding of her iconographic development. In Classical art, Venus was depicted fully clothed, however this...

  • 2017-01-01

    Sims, Ashley

    Historians rely overwhelmingly on written sources as their principal evidence. They then take that evidence and add more text, using layers of interpretation, analysis, and argument in order to examine and explain past events. My doctoral dissertation explores consumer behaviour in 17th-century...

  • 2023-06-20

    Hu, John C. H.

    In Canada, there is growing recognition of knowledge translation: the dissemination of research results towards application/utilization. Currently, knowledge translation outputs are defined by journal articles or academic conferences. Both may pose barriers for non-academics or community members...

  • 2021-01-01

    Rhodes, Meghan

    Brain tissue is comprised of grey matter (neuronal cell bodies) and white matter (myelinated axons). Glioma, a highly diffusive and fast spreading brain cancer, preferentially moves along white matter tracts like “myelin highways”. This leads to finger-like projections of glioma cells throughout...

  • 2024-06-01

    DasGupta, Ishani

    The image portrays the synergistic relation between the two main aspects of my research - medical image analysis and coding strategies. I dynamically engage with both, symbolized by the reflections seen within the frames. The aim is to efficiently and accurately identify the left ventricle (LV)...

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